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Is Distance Learning right for me?

Distance Learning is different from regular classes, giving you the flexibility to complete your studies without having to come to the Highline campus. But it also requires you to take a great deal more responsibility for your learning.

Try this short quiz ! Ready for distance learning?

What's the schedule like?

There are no fixed times when you have to be in class, but there is no one reminding you when your assignments are due.

  • There will be assignments every week throughout the quarter.
  •  Online classes take just as much -- or more -- time as regular classes. For a 5-credit class, you will need to set aside 12-15 hours a week per course.
  • You need to be self-motivated and have good time management skills, because there is no regularly scheduled class time.

What's the workload like?

An online class will cover the same material as the campus version of the class. However, instructors will use different supplemental materials and teaching methods.

  • You need to be able to learn well from written material, because online classes require a great deal more reading and writing than regular classes.
  • You may find that it takes more work to succeed in an online class than in a face to face class.
  • All of your assignments will be handed in on a computer.

Ready to Get Started?

Yes! But I'm not a Highline student. What do I do?

Yes! I'm already a Highline student. Sign me up!